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JSLint Error Explanations

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It is not necessary to initialize '{a}' to 'undefined'


JSLint和JSHint在遇到一条将变量赋值为undefined的赋值语句时,会抛出"It is not necessary to initialize '{a}' to 'undefined'"的错误。以下是我们尝试着声明x并将undefined赋值给它的例子:



由于变量声明在其出现的作用域内置于最顶部,且赋值操作在正常的位置尽心,变量总是会被隐式地初始化为undefined。以下是当你进入一个作用域时发生的一切:(ES5 §10.5):

8. For each VariableDeclaration... d in source text order do
    a. Let dn be the Identifier in d.
    b. Let varAlreadyDeclared be the result of calling env's HasBinding concrete method passing dn as the argument.
    c. If varAlreadyDeclared is false, then
        i. Call env's CreateMutableBinding concrete method passing dn and configurableBindings as the arguments.
        ii. Call env's SetMutableBinding concrete method passing dn, undefined, and strict as the arguments.

最后一行非常有趣。它有效的将当前作用域内给定的标示符和undefined值绑定在了一起。这表明所有变量在创建的时候的值都是undefined。如果赋值表达式被作为语句的一部分,那么变量就会被赋予一个值(如同我们上方的例子一样)。这在下面这段话中被解释的更为清楚:(ES5 §12.2):

Variables are initialised to undefined when created. A variable with an Initialiser is assigned the value of its AssignmentExpression when the VariableStatement is executed, not when the variable is created.




在JSHint1.0.0及以上你可以通过可选的特殊语法来忽略这些警告。这个警告的标示符是W080。这就意味着你可以通过 /*jshint -W080 */告诉JSHint不去报告这个错误。

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